In the hospitality industry Website is one of the most important tools to increase the establishment revenue especially in the hotel industry. A good hotel website would have large influence on the consumer behavior for their traveling planes and their decision where to book their rooms. Hoteliers must understand the important change in people behavior in traveling process. The past few years’ consumers traveling plane highly depend on their communication with their friend via the social media such as face book or using the Mobil phone by texting, sending pictures, sharing their comment and the review of the hotels. The hotels website has become the backbone of the hotel marketing mix and is the main digital assets of the hotel. Social media means deep user engagement and at this age of time there is a multi-channel interactions and opinion sharing and Most hotel websites are not designed to handle today’s hyper-interactive consumer who’s on the internet almost twenty four hours seven days a week. Hoteliers need to re-design their website make it more attractive and user- friendly and Mobil ready to generate more business .the hotel website must describe all aspects of the hotel products and services by using photos and visual galleries to videos and virtual tours.
At this time of age the hotels website is a powerful tool in the market place to increase the hotel revenue. Since the creation of the internet and all the social media channels consumers are getting more dependents on other people view and recommendation to plane their next vacation traveling trip. Before the internet consumer used to consult and book their hotel reservation through a travel agency, but now they are by passing the middle man and going directly to the hotel website after their engagement on one of the social media channels and reviewing other people comment and recommendation and ding that by using their mobile phone to plan and book travel and hotels. Hoteliers are realizing the increase of people booking through their website, that is why they began to remodel or they are re-creating a new website where it is more friendly use, attractive and describe all the hotel service and products using visual design and multi color palette that differentiate them from the competition by delivering a clear and consistence message about their brand and the value consumer will receive and offering promotional packages, discounts and advertising all that on the social media and mobile phones. Hoteliers are become very creative in their website, and they have no longer the choice to keep their old website if they want to be successful, keep-up with the new technology and increase their revenue. Hotel website is the lesser expensive method of advertising and the most effective method and the most cost-efficient revenue generator for their hotels.
Best Practices in Hotel Website Design 2010 by Max Starkov and Denis Strekalov